Thoughts about making politicians take responsibilty for their actions and inactions and the positive negative outcome of what they do.
Economy etc, BUT Healthcare Immigration and womens rights
Published on July 2, 2008 By patrikwill In US Domestic

I don't have much faith in either candidate fixing the economy:  Big money caused the problem: Oil, speculators and hedge funds and corporate lack of disreguard for its most valuable resource: PEOPLE.

The very simple and only solution to healthcare is to give every American the same insurance our so called public servants receive (congress and senate members).

What can a president do anyway?  I would love to hear them tell me how they are going to get congress and the senate to something other than talk and eat out in expensive places.

As to the oil crisis we have added insult to injury by not doing the proper research and now corn is going to create hunger around the world because we are taking up space to create energy that is intruding upon the space to make food. And Global warming has to take the front seat:  look at the places in America that has been hurt the worst:  the farming region.

And if right to lifers are right, why isn't a child conceived in the US a citizen just like one who is born here is?  Could it be the same reason we forget the real sin of Sodom and Gomorah which was not helping out a stranger?  So these people come here and increase our GNP by 6 billion a year (sorry if that figure is wrong but it is high), most pay taxes and can't file a tax return to recover what they don't owe and religious people don't want them here. Sounds blasphemous to me (which is also a sin).

China isn't going to need us forever at the rate they are making money (and products that fall apart after 6 months).  They will ask for what we owe and we can't pay it back.  Why does no one admit that we are already a third world country when only one percent of the population holds 2/3 of the income?

IN SPITE OF WHAT I HAVE SAID I am an optimistic and happy person, but poor 60 year old BUT I think it is time to acknowledge the problems, because we have the talent to solve them.  AND I Dont know who I am voting for but I think after 20 years of not talking to the enemy hasn't worked WHY not try to talk to them?  In my daily life and work, lack of communication has been the downfall everytime.  On my terms communication has worked.

Finally, so it was a stupid thing to go there and the hundreds of years of hate is an obstacle, but we opened our big fat mouths and went there.  WE ARE COWARDS if we don't get those people talking.  THey have the same corrupt ideas the big rich people in America have, but they aren't stupid and they could with our help figure out how to make it work.  They don't want to bite off their nose to spite their face.  AND it is only a minority more so their than here that are fundamentalist myopic people.

Oh and social security:  I and many people my age have worked so hard and now we can't retire.  SHAME ON THOSE PEOPLE WHO JUST IGNORE IT>  I don't wish any harm to anyone, but I hope they pay. This is the worst senate and congress of my entire life.  I was so happy re: Polosi not because she was a woman, but because I thought she deserved the position and had the right ideas.  She should go home and be a grandmother maybe she could do that job a little better.  THE SADDEST THING OF ALL IS THAT I DON"T HAVE MONEY SO I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO TALK TO ANY OF THESE PEOPLE: her, Obama or McCain.

If everyone give positive input and provides solutions We will succeed. This is still the most beautiful greatest country in the world.

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